Mixed Series 5 / Holodeck Series by Playmates
Sheriff Worf & Alexander

This version of Worf includes 2 brown revolvers, a shotglass, and a non-poseable Alexander that comes packaged as an accessory. The Worf pictured here is the version from the 2-pack; a later 3-pack with a Data was released, and these were slightly repainted. ‘Repaint’ Worf and Alexander are distinguished by having more complete paint schemes; Worf’s neck scarf is patterned, and Alexander’s vest, belt, and shoes painted.

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C. David is a writer and artist living in the Hudson Valley, NY. He loves pinball, Wazmo Nariz, Rem Lezar, MODOK, pogs, Ultra Monsters, 80s horror, and is secretly very enthusiastic about everything else not listed here.