Lt. B’Elanna Torres

Star Trek : Voyager Series 1 by Playmates Lt. B’Elanna Torres, Chief Engineer Lt. Torres, a half-Klingon ex-Maquis member, is accompanied by a ‘Torres’ Voyager base, and red/pink accessories. A…

Lt. Tuvok

Star Trek : Voyager Series 1 by Playmates Lt. Tuvok, Tactical/Security Officer Accompanied by a ‘Tuvok’ Voyager base, and blue accessories. Click here for the full Star Trek Figure Archive.

Lt. Tom Paris

Star Trek : Voyager Series 1 by Playmates Lt. Tom Paris Lt. Paris is accompanied by a ‘Paris’ Voyager base, and silver accessories. Paris has one other action figure in…

Commander Chakotay

Star Trek : Voyager Series 1 by Playmates Commander Chakotay This Starfleet version of Chakotay is accompanied by a ‘Chakotay’ Voyager base, and purple accessories, which includes a Native American…


Star Trek : Voyager Series 1 by Playmates Neelix, Delta Quadrant Guide, Morale Officer, and Chef Voyager’s Talaxian guide is accompanied by a ‘Neelix’ Voyager base, and blue-green accessories –…

Captain Kathryn Janeway

Star Trek : Voyager Series 1 by Playmates Captain Kathryn Janeway The Captain of Voyager had only one 4.5″ figure made. She’s accompanied by a ‘Janeway’ Voyager base, and purple/pink…

Transporting Picard

Star Trek : Transporter Series 2 by Playmates Captain Jean-Luc Picard Accompanied by a light & sound base, which plays the Next Generation transporter sound. It’s an interesting variant of…



In one fictional universe written by Peter David, Trelane is actually the son of Q – not to be confused with the canonical Q2 from Voyager.

Dr. Soran

Star Trek : Generations by Playmates Dr. Tolian Soran Dr. Soran, played by Malcolm McDowell, is accompanied by a ‘Dr. Soran’ Generations base, and gold accessories, including a stopwatch, and…

Worf in 19th Century Outfit

Star Trek : Generations by Playmates Worf in 19th Century Outfit (aka Pirate Worf) ‘Pirate Worf’ is accompanied by a Generations base, and purple accessories. While the entire crew was…

Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Star Trek : Generations by Playmates Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Generations Accompanied by a ‘Picard’ Generations base, a Type-I phaser, and bluegreen accessories – including the Picard family album. There…


Star Trek : Generations by Playmates Lursa, Eldest daughter of the House of Duras Lursa is accompanied by a ‘Lursa’ Starfleet base, and red Klingon accessories. Lursa and her sister…

Picard as Dixon Hill

Dixon Hill, a detective played by Picard during his holodeck excursions, is accompanied by a ‘Dixon Hill’ base, and blue accessories.

Jake Sisko Action Figure

Jake Sisko

Star Trek : Deep Space Nine Series 2 by Playmates Jake Sisko Jake, the son of Commander Ben Sisko, is accompanied by a ‘Sisko’ Starfleet base, and green accessories –…