This page serves as a basic archive for Playmates 4.5″ Star Trek action figure line, organized by set. Each image links to a fuller description with images of accessories, and how to distinguish one similar figure from another. Eventually, each will be populated with more info. For now, please subscribe to Star Trek Toy-a-Day on Instagram for a daily feed of Trek trivia and more details about each of these action figures.
The Next Generation: Series 1
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Commander Riker
Lt. Commander Data
Lt. Cmdr. Geordi LaForge
Lt. Worf
Counselor Deanna Troi
The Next Generation: Series 2
Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Season One
Commander Riker in S2 Uniform
Locutus of Borg
Deanna Troi, Season 2 Outfit
Lt. Commander Data in First Season Uniform
Dr. Beverly Crusher
LaForge in Dress Uniform
Lt. LaForge in 1st Season Uniform
Klingon Warrior Worf
Lt. (JG) Worf
Q in Captain’s Uniform
Cadet Wesley Crusher
Ambassador Spock
Captain Scott
Admiral McCoy
Mordock the Benzite
Captain Dathon
Borg, Ver. 2
The Next Generation: Series 3 (7th Season)
Picard in Duty Uniform
Picard as Dixon Hill
Picard as a Romulan
Data as a Romulan
Geordi as Tarchannen III Alien
Riker as a Malcorian
Dr. Noonian Soong
Lt. Worf in Rescue Outfit
Q in Judge’s Robes
Ensign Ro Laren
Lt. Reginald Barclay
Gowron in Ritual Attire
Data in Dress Uniform
Lt. Thomas Riker in TNG Uniform
The Next Generation: Series 4
Picard in All Good Things
Data in 1940s Attire
Data in Movie Uniform
Geordi in Movie Uniform
Worf in Ritual Attire (Chrome)
Lwaxana Troi
Lt. Natasha Yar
Locutus [Chrome]
Dr. Crusher in Duty Uniform
“Mixed” Series 5
Troi as Durango
Sheriff Worf & Alexander
Lt. Worf in DS9 Uniform
Governor Worf
Picard as Galen
Admiral Riker
Professor Data
Geordi in All Good Things
Dr. Crusher in Generations Uniform
Dr. Crusher in 1940s Attire
The Traveler
Dr. Katherine Pulaski
Captain Kurn
Hunter of Tosk
Elim Garak
Commander Sisko
Sisko in Crossover
Klingon Dax
Odo in Necessary Evil
Grand Nagus Zek
Seska as a Cardassian
Tom Paris Mutated
Captain Pike
Kirk in Environmental Outfit
Casual Kirk
Mister Spock
Nurse Chapel
Janice Rand
Harry Mudd
Gorn Captain
The Mugatu
Talosian Keeper
McCoy in Dress Uniform
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Riker in Generations
Data in Generations
Geordi LaForge in Generations
Worf in Generations
Worf in Pirate Costume
Dr. Crusher in Generations
Troi in Generations
Dr. Soran
Admiral James T. Kirk
Kirk in Spacesuit
Pavel Chekov
Montgomery Scott
Boxed Sets, Exclusives & Mail-Aways
Clues Boxed Set
A Fistful of Datas Boxed Set
Officers Set : Picard in Dress Uniform
Riker in Dress Uniform
Kirk in Dress Uniform
Spock in Dress Uniform
Kirk in ‘Corbomite Maneuver’
Balok’s Puppet
1701 Set : “Tapestry” Picard
1701 Set : Lt. Natasha Yar
1701 Set : Lt. Reginald Barclay
Kirk in ‘A Piece of the Action’
Captain Picard : ToyFare Mailaway (Tapestry II)
Seven of Nine [Toyfare]
Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax
Security Officer Neelix
Captain James T. Kirk
First Officer Spock
Dr. Leonard McCoy
Lt. Commander Montgomery Scott
Ensign Pavel Chekov
Lt. Nyota Uhura
Lt. Hikaru Sulu
Lt. Scott Spencer Exclusive
First Contact Picard [Target]
First Contact Worf [Target]
Amok Time : Kirk & Spock
Best of Both Worlds : Locutus & Borg Drone
Scorpion : Harry Kim & Species 8472
Missing from this gallery : “Video Game Mail-Away” Benjamin Sisko, “Huntsville” Montgomery Scott, Transporting Tasha Yar, Blue Seven of Nine [UK Exclusive], Purple Seven of Nine [Target Ex.], First Contact Riker, First Contact Troi, First Contact Data, Movie Uniform Beverly Crusher [UK Ex.], Flashback Kathryn Janeway, Captain Calhoun, Translucent Geordi LaForge as Tarchannen Alien, “Where No Man” Lt. Scott, “Where No Man” Sulu, Galileo Shuttle Kirk & “Redemption” Data.
Starfleet Academy
Cadet Worf
Cadet William Riker
Cadet LaForge
Deep Space Nine : Series 1
Cpt. Ben Sisko
Lt. Jadzia Dax
Deep Space Nine : Series 2
Sisko in Dress Uniform
O’Brien in Dress Uniform
Jadzia Dax in Duty Uniform
Jake Sisko
Vedek Bareil
Picard in DS9 Uniform
Thomas Riker
Voyager : Series 1
Captain Kathryn Janeway
Commander Chakotay
Lt. Tuvok
Lt. Tom Paris
Lt. B’Elanna Torres
Ensign Harry Kim
Voyager : Series 2
Torres as a Klingon
Lt. Carey
Ensign Seska
The Vidiian
Chakotay as Maquis
Classic Movies
Admiral Kirk
Commander Spock
Lt. Sulu
Lt. Uhura
Commander Kruge
General Chang
Lt. Saavik
Dr. McCoy in ‘The Motion Picture’
Warp Factor : Series 1
Captain Koloth
Constable Odo in Trials & Tribble-ations
Bashir in ‘Tribble-ations’
Dax in ‘Tribble-ations’
Sisko in ‘Tribble-ations’
Miles O’Brien in ‘Tribble-ations’
Warp Factor : Series 2
Captain Beverly Picard
Sisko as a Klingon
Ilia Probe
Swarm Alien
Warp Factor : Series 3
Mirror Spock
Edith Keeler
Cadet Data
Cadet Beverly Howard Crusher
Cadet Deanna Troi
Warp Factor : Series 4
Keiko O’Brien
Intendant Kira
Warp Factor : Series 5
Kirk in ‘City on the Edge of Forever’
Spock in ‘Forever’
Seven of Nine
Borg Queen
Interstellar Action Series
Interstellar Geordi
Interstellar Borg
Transporter Series
Transporting Picard
Transporting Data
Transporting Geordi LaForge
Transporting Worf
Transporting Riker
Transporting Kirk
Transporting McCoy
Transporting Scotty
Transporting Spock
Transporting Uhura
Transporting Chapel
Transporting Chekov
Transporting Rand
Transporting Sulu
5.5″ Series : Warp Factor 1
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Commander William Riker
Lt. Commander Worf
Borg Drone
5.5″ Series : Warp Factor 2
Captain Ben Sisko
Lt. Cmdr. Jadzia Dax
Chief Miles O’Brien
Jem’Hadar Soldier
Gul Dukat
Star Trek : First Contact
Captain Picard
Commander Riker
Commander Worf
Commander Data
Dr. Crusher
Commander Troi
Lt. Cmdr. LaForge
Picard in Space Suit
Zefram Cochran
Borg Drone
C. David is a writer and artist living in the Hudson Valley, NY. He loves pinball, Wazmo Nariz, Rem Lezar, MODOK, pogs, Ultra Monsters, 80s horror, and is secretly very enthusiastic about everything else not listed here.
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